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CityU VMC Vets Tips Friday! | Pet ER: A sneezing cat!

OMG my cat is sneezing! Is it a big issue? It’s a yes and no. If your cat sneezes once in a while, and looks active and normal, it is probably nothing to worry about. However, if your cat sneezes more often or if it sneezes out blood, mucus with discharge from eyes as well, it may be a bigger problem that we thought.

Here are some of the possible causes of sneezing in cats:

1. Viral Respiratory Infection
- The most prevalent infection is feline herpesvirus. Unlike human being, herpesvirus in cats causes primarily upper respiratory signs, including sneezing and discharge from eye and nose.
2. Bacterial Infections
- If you see yellow or green snot emerging discharge coming from your cat’s nose or eyes, it is usually a sign of bacterial infection.
3. Dental Disease
- For cats, the roots of upper molars are located next to the nasal passages. When there are severe periodontal diseases, the nasal sinuses are often involved leading to nasal discharge.
4. Tumors
- Nasal tumors are commonly seen in geriatric cats. It causes chronic sneezing, nasal discharge, and facial deformity.

Please bring your cat for a physical examination if you see the following signs:
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Nasal discharge
- Worsening of symptoms
- If the symptoms mentioned above last for more than a few days

If your cat has occasional sneezing, the problem is likely self-limiting. However, if the symptoms persist for a few days, specific treatment for the underlying cause may be necessary.

Appointment/Enquiry: 3650 3000 (Mon-Sun: 9:00am – 7:00pm)
Address: G-2/F, Trinity Towers, 339 Lai Chi Kok Road, Sham Shui Po
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